Coheed and Cambria’s Claudio Sanchez announces his new guitar The Jackhammer, which will premiere at NAMM this weekend in Los Angeles. “Man Your Own Jackhammer” is a famous line from the Coheed and Cambria song “In Keeping Secrets of Silent Earth: 3,” and now singer / lead guitarist Claudio Sanchez has taken it from the Fiction to the Real. The Jackhammer is the first presentation from Claudio’s new guitar and music company, Evil Instruments. Claudio has been playing the mysterious guitar on tour for the last year, and now we know why.

Speaking about his new guitar, Sanchez shares, “As most of you know, I’ve played a Gibson Explorer for over 20 years, and like any artist whose identity has become synonymous with a particular make and model, I have always longed for a signature model. Since that hasn’t come to fruition, and keeping in line with my creative spirit and DIY methodology, I’ve chosen to create one from the ground up. A guitar that makes sense for me and is completely my own. We have developed this over the last couple years to meet my lofty aspirations… I present Evil Instruments’ Jackhammer.”
Claudio will be at NAMM this weekend displaying the guitar and signing autographs at the Dunable Booth #4338. Pre-Orders will be announced in the coming weeks, those interested in purchasing can sign up HERE. Prices will start around $1600.